Literotica - Watering Hole

Write here your dreams, your stories, your experiences of footsie or other situations where a foot had been used to seduce

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Dead Parrot
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Literotica - Watering Hole

Post by Dead Parrot »

Yet another old find from Multiple girls doing one guy in a bar. Finishes with a blowjob.

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Watering Hole
by pavehawk ©

It all started innocently enough.

I went to meet some friends at a bar. I am pretty fortunate, you see, about 90% of my co-workers are female. As you can probably guess, a lot aren't worth a second look, let alone a first. But there are always the select few.

A few of the friends agreed to meet at a cozy, friendly little place in downtown. It offered the patron the chance to relax and enjoy themselves with a lot of distractions.

Anyways, it was Friday night and the place was pretty crowded. I took my place at the short table and ordered my "Hefe" with no lemon. (No beer is worth drinking if you have to add to it!) The girls were basically on one side and I on the opposite.

It turns out that four of my female co-workers were the only ones going to show. They're all great fun to work with and this evening should prove to be interesting.

Being co-workers, our conversations start out about work. We're all bitching about something, but it relieves the stress.

Soon our talk, being as 4 out of 5 are female, turned to sex. The girls wanted to know my preferences, opinions and general information. Do I like it on top or bottom? What do I call foreplay? Wildest places? Best experience? And so on.

I tried to avoid some of these as one of the girls' husband is a good friend and didn't want to give up too much info.

During one of the question, and I honestly can't remember what it was for obvious reason, I felt a foot slide into my lap. Since the girls were all pretty much opposite me, I had trouble knowing who it was. As I fumble through the question, I was looking at each of the girls to determine who it was.

My only problem trying to figure out which one it is. How can I start to eliminate them one by one with out drawing attention to myself.

While trying to figure this out the foot starts to caress me. Whoever it was had removed their shoe, but that didn’t help since I couldn’t just look under the table without being obvious.

Just then, the foot retracted only to return except this time it went up the leg of the shorts I was wearing. Since I wear boxers, there was little stopping them. I searched their eyes . . . damn poker faces.

It was hard, and was getting a difficult to cover my growing pleasure. She then pinched me with her toes. This sent a shock wave through my body when one of the girls asked if I was alright. She said I looked flushed, “maybe you should eat something to go with the beer”. I couldn’t agree more, but what I wanted wasn’t on the menu.

I could feel myself reaching full potential and relished in the fact this was in public with these girls and I had no idea which one was doing it.

I didn’t really care which one it was, just that they didn’t finish me off too soon.

She must have read my mind, because she removed her foot just as one of them announced they had to visit the ladies room. The other three said they’d to go as well.

I quipped “Got to hold each other’s hand?” They all look at me with a glare as the headed off.

My mind was still reeling from what had been going on, when the waitress asked if we wanted another round. I ordered, but before she left, she asked “Hope you are enjoying yourself, because I like the show.”

Oh my God. Not only is someone playing with me in public, but there’s a spectator.

A few minutes later, the girls returned and they all burst into laughter as they approached the table looking at me. I ran my fingers through my hair acting as thou it was out of place and asked what was so funny.

One of the girls said that I looked lonely, hoping some woman would sit by him and share a drink. With that, the four retook seats across from me again -- only in a different order.

Good part was, now I might be able to figure out who it was that worked me up and nearly over the top.

We continued our talks again quickly the foot - might be the same one – returned to the caressing motions. It started easy enough. Taking the toes and gently rubbing at the base in slow circles. It would then move a bit higher and continue the kneading. Every so often, a slight pinch would be inflicted.

I figured one of two would happen soon 1) I am taken over the top, or 2) she gets a cramp in her foot. This goes on for 5-10 minutes (time has no meaning at this point) before she removes her foot.

Thank God, she got a cramp! I can’t leave in these shorts with a big wet spot showing.

As quickly as the foot is removed, another takes its place. I can tell it’s the other one because the big toe is one the other side. Because I’m about to loose control, I reach down and grab the foot, not wanting to end it, just prolong it.

As I am grabbing the pleasure foot, the waitress reappears with a big knowing smile on her face asking if we are ready for another round. I notice she appears to be excited by the look of her body language in the T-shirt she’s wearing.

One of the girls orders another round for us all, and another orders shots for everyone. A couple of us protest to no avail.

The foot begins again as the waitress leaves to fill our order. I comment on her apparent excited state and the girls laugh. It’s at this point I notice points on all the girls. Are they in this together? Do they know what’s going on?

I don’t know the answer. The waitress comes back with our drinks and one of us pays and leaves a tip. The waitress returns the tip to the table and says she has received more than she should from this table. The girls look at each other, then at me. They ask “Is there something we should know about?”

I made up a story about my servicing her while they were in the restroom. They wanted all the details. I told them I didn’t kiss and tell.

This went over like a lead balloon and so I decided to make up a story of getting her off while standing at the table. Since she was wearing a short skirt (great for tips) and a g-string, it wasn’t difficult to slide my hand up the back and slip a couple of fingers in.

The girls cried bull and I asked if they wanted to smell my fingers. At that point I reached my hand over and offered it to them.

They leaned over to my hand and smelled it. They still said bull. I said “taste it then”. The totally shocked me by each taking my hand, one at a time and sucked on a finger. Each girl commented on the taste.

As they finished their finger licking, the waitress returned to pick up the shot glasses. She asked what was so special about my fingers. The girls told her how good the shot was off my finger and offered her to taste. She leaned over to lick my finger, putting her hand in my lap, and moaned with enjoyment.

The girls sat there with their jaws in their laps. They thought there was something there, but it was all made up.

My jaw was just as dislocated. After all, I had the waitress’ hand now in my crotch and the all five girls just sucked on my finger. Was I in heaven or what!

The waitress gave me a nice squeeze, thanked me for the treat and collected our empty glasses.

The girls recovered from their shock and announced another trip to the ladies room. Just after their departure, the waitress stopped by to check on things. She sat down next to me and slid her hand up the pant leg of my shorts. As she was playing with the sack, she asked routine questions about the group I was with and worked her way up my ridged member. I began to explain the girls would be back soon, but she said not to worry. One of the stalls was backed up and that left one for the four of them.

I asked her who it was that was playing with me. She said that she would let me know by “accident”.

I decided to take things into my own hand and slipped my hand up her shirt to fulfill my previous story. She allowed access and I found she didn’t have a g-string on. In fact, she had nothing on underneath. My finger slipped in easily and in a matter of moments, she shuttered.

She managed to regain her composure just as the girls returned. This time, I sat there licking my own fingers to the utter delight of the girls.

This time, when the foot returned, it was joined by a second one. From the angle, size and toes, I had a good idea they were from the same person. The feet took on a renewed vigor sliding up and down on either side of me. From the intensity and skillfulness, they wanted to make a statement -- and a big one it would be.

She removed her feet again as the waitress returned and asked if everything was alright. (Dumb question, everything was perfect.)

The waitress had brought five glasses of water to lighten the alcohol in our systems. We thanked her. As she turned to leave, she bumped the table spilling two of the glasses on three of the girls. She apologized emphatically and offered to get some towels. She also mentioned the Air Hand Dryer in the ladies room to help dry the clothing. The three girls headed off after the waitress got the towels.

The waitress place a new and much larger table cloth on the table, then leaned over to the one remaining girl and said “Finish him or I will.”

She retorted “Excuse me?” and the waitress explained that she had seen everything and if “she better get under that table and finish him properly like he deserves, then she would take matters into her own mouth!” The waitress also explained that the new table cloth would offer some privacy.

My brain went into sensory overload as I watched her slide under the table, and began to unzip my shorts. I looked into the waitresses eyes and gave her the biggest silent thank you I could.

She removed me from my confines and swallowed me whole. I lasted about five seconds before the flood gates opened. It was the most intense experience of my life. When I collapsed, she cleaned me thoroughly, replaced me back where I belonged and returned to her seat.

She looked at the waitress and they exchanged a passionate kiss sharing the captured juice. They straightened up and saw the three girls returning.

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