The Job Interview: An original, romantic, female foot pain story

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The Job Interview: An original, romantic, female foot pain story

Post by HerFeetHurt »

The Job Interview

Jennifer, living on the far outskirts of a big city, sadly lost her job due to her company closing down...With no savings and a big rent increase beginning the next month, she knew she had to find a new job quickly...

...Having no car, she also knew she had to plan out her job search very well, to minimize expenses...Carefully searching for all listed job openings, she picked out those close to bus or train stations, calling ahead to schedule each interview at a specific time...She scheduled all interviews for the same day, beginning very early at 7 AM, ending at 7 PM...Then she purchased a special one day transit pass, good for unlimited train and bus rides throughout the city, only for one day...Just $4.00, the transit pass cost...Jennifer felt so proud of herself, knowing she was saving so much money by properly planning out her busy day of job hunting...

On the day of the important hunt, Jennifer woke up early, carefully appllying her makeup, styling her hair, and picking out her most attractive and professional outfit to wear, knowing how important and valuable it is to make a great first impression on all potential employers...Of course she wore sheer stockings and almost brand new high-heeled dress pumps that she had purchased onty to wear on special occasions...In the back of her mind she briefly worried about how she would hold up in these shoes, so terribly unfit for walking any distances, knowing she would have to spend many hours continuously standing and walking all day long, and into the evening, but...she had no choice, the day was too important to risk rejection by an employer who judged her negatively based on the shoes she wore...

And so the day began at 5:30 AM with a 6 block walk to the nearest bus stop from her apartment, and by the time she reached the stop, already she knew she was in trouble...Her feet hurt, and it could only get worse and worse and worse...But it was too late to change, too late to go back to her apartment...She had her first interview scheduled for 7 AM and could never arrive in time if she went back to change her shoes...

All day long Jennifer travelled throughout the big city, standing and walking from bus station to train station to job interview site, and back to the bus station and to another job interview, and back to the train station...MIles and miles she walked on this hot August day, each step more painful than the last...

She could feel her terrible dress pumps pressing and rubbing on her baby toes, her bunion joints, and worst of all, her heels...She KNEW they were being rubbed RAW, the skin stripped off, only a matter of time until deep blood blisters formed, and eventually broke...

Passing by pharmacies, she was SOOO tempted to go in and buy a box of band-aids, but stopped herself. She was on a tight budget, and today was the day to find a job, not to spend any of her precious money...

By 12:00 Noon Jennifer was openly hobbling, deep stabs of pain shooting through both feet, and so hungry and thirsty...Passing a McDonald's restaurant, she just could not resist taking a lunch break, as she had wisely planned out for herself in scheduling her full day of interviews...Finally seated, she gingerly eased her agonized feet out of their Torture Chambers, softly sobbing and moaning. resting them on top of her shoes...They throbbed even more terribly for a few moments, raw and exposed nerve endings suddenly exposed to the cool air...

Jennifer knew she was in deep trouble. How to survive for the rest of the day?? Looking at the container of napkins on the counter, a thought came to her, and finishing eating as fast as possible, she glanced around nervously before grabbing a large stack of napkins and with a deep hobble, making her way to the bathroom...

Once inside, she locked herself in the farthest stall, eased off her shoes again, took off her sheer stockings, then carefully tried to cover and wrap her baby toes and bunion joints. She paused to consider options for the worst problem of all, her already openly bleeding heels. Jennifer realized if she applied them underneath her stockings, it would be impossible for her to discreetly take them off just before arriving for each job interview. And of course she would look ridiculous and borderline insane to walk into a Human Resources office with clearly visible McDonald's napkins sticking out from the backs of her dress pumps! That was just NOT an option! And so she decided to put her stockings back on, hissing sharply in pain as the bloody fabric once again made direct contact with the broken blisters. Her only option now, was to carefully place the napkins over her heels, in-between her stockings and the backs of her pumps...

She knew this was not the solution, she knew they would not offer much protection, not nearly as real band-aids, but...they were free, and at least she could try to keep going, to continue her job search...

And so Jennifer continued her marathon trek through the city, and she knew she looked...ridiculous, with napkins clearly visible sticking out from the backs of both her dress pumps, but she had no choice...Just before entering the building for her interviews, she would stop and take the napkins off from her heels, even though it was almost impossible not to limp as suddenly the pump backs were digging directly into her huge, open and bleeding heel blisters, with no protection at all...

It was just before 5 PM when Michael saw her through the big window in his office. He saw her leaning against the building, beautiful and elegantly dressed, he saw her slowly and gently, with hands trembling, ease off first one pump then the other, and carefully pull off a...white thing from her heel...What was that?? He strained his eyes to see more clearly...It was...a napkin, and he could see faint red stains on the napkin, and then, looking back at her heel, he could see it was red, very red, blood red...

Michael's heart skipped a beat and he felt like leaving his office, rushing down to the street to try to catch her, to follow her, to somehow get to know her...But of course he could not do that, because he was the Director of Human Resources for the company, waiting for his 5 PM job interview candidate to arrive...

Still straining to see, to not lose this enchanting moment, Michael was shocked to see her disappear suddenly from view...It looked like...she had come into the building, HIS building! Could she in this building?? No, he would know if she worked here, he knew ALL the employees...Maybe she just came see if there was a restroom open to the public?? To try to sit down for a moment, rest and minister to her agonized feet?? The thought was too much, and Michael quickly rushed to the small bathroom in his office, climaxing uncontrollably... Thank God I have my own private office, and it has a bathroom, is all he could think...

Just a few moments later the intercom sprang to life, and Michael almost jumped in fright, "Sir, your 5 PM interview is here..." As usual, Michael opened the door of his office and went out to the lobby area...He liked to first meet job candidates out in the open, instead of having them come inside his office...It gave him more of a chance to see how they presented themselves, their posture and how they walked...

And...there SHE was, the new object of his fascination and devotion, the one he thought he would NEVER see again...And so he tried his best to maintain a neutral expression as they both approached each other, Michael walking confidently and briskly, Jennifer desperately trying not to hobble... "Good Afternoon Sir, I'm Jennifer, here to apply for the Adminstrative Aide position, it's so nice to meet you, thank you for taking the time to consider me..."

Michael reached to shake her outstretched hand, hoping his own hand was not trembling, determined to act professionally, "Thank you for coming, let's go over to my office and sit down, it'll just take a few minutes to go over your resume..." Jennifer looked to the office door, trying to gauge the distance...It was maybe...50 or 60 feet from where they stood in the lobby, but to Jennifer it looked a mile away...It's okay, just WALK NORMALLY, a few can do it, no limping, God, I hope he goes first, in front of me, so he doesn't see my face...." Those were her desperate internal thoughts as they stood there together, each waiting for the other to actually start moving...

And so, with a deep gulp, Jennifer started towards the door, trying so desperately to walk normally, as stabs of pain shot through her baby toes, bunion joints, and bleeding heels...She thought she pulled it off well, but of course Michael, as a long-time Gait Analyst and Female Foot Pain lover, could immediately see that each and every step was pure agony...

Upon reaching the office, Michael gestured to the open chair, "Please, sit down, may I offer you a glass of water, you look...a little tired..." And as Jennifer slowly sank down into the chair, she could not suppress a soft sob, immediately trying to conceal it with a quick intake of breath... "Thank you so much, how kind of you to offer...I'm fine Sir, just been out all day long, applying at other companies...I...just...really need to find a job as soon as possible..." And as Jennifer looked into Michael's eyes, he could see how honest and sincere she was...and also how desperate and tired and in PAIN she was, and he knew...barring multiple felony convictions on her record, she was HIRED...

But of course he carefully looked through her resume, asking many questions, delighting in the opportunity to get to know the brand new Treasure sitting in front of him...He could not wait to offer her the job, right here and right now, so unexpected, so different from all the other interviews where they promise to "call you and let you know..." To see her reaction of delight and immense relief...

But at the same time he could not resist the opportunity to try something he often did with Sweeties who applied for jobs, Sweeties whom he suspected of having sore, aching, injured feet...This situation was different, he knew Jennifer was in DEEP distress, barely able to walk, but still, he could not resist...

"Well Jennifer, everything looks really good on your resume, you have so much relevant experience and skills that match exactly what we need here...and your Instant Background check, I just got the printout so let me look...well, it is perfect, not even a single traffic ticket in your entire lifetime?? Very impressive! And the fact you are available to start immediately, that is just the icing on the cake, as we need someone right away..."

Jennifer could hardly believe her ears, this HR Director was literally gushing in his words to her...This was by far the most positive and enthusiastic reaction of the day, from all of her interviews...Could it be, was it possible, that she would...get hired??? Jennifer felt tears welling up in her eyes and willed herself not to cry, not to blow it, not to ruin this desperately needed CHANCE...

But then, as Michael continued, fear suddenly sprang up, gripping her:

"...So Jennifer, that said, I'm wondering if you want to take a little tour of the building?? As an Administrative Aide you're going to need to know your way around, you'll need to know where every office is, where all the storage rooms and utility closets are, where each department is located, and all that...It's a big building, and very confusing for a new person in the beginning...So...if you have a little time...would you like to walk around with me and check everything out, it should only take...maybe...30 minutes..."

Jennifer's mind reeled in shock...He was literally, but not quite, offering her the job, but then he was asking her to WALK AROUND with him, first, and right NOW! And of course...I HAVE to say YES! I have to say yes, this thought raced through Jennifer's mind. I have to! He expects me to say Yes! How can I say No?? How can I blow this incredible opportunity??? But...I can't say Yes. It's...impossible! There's no way I can walk for 30 minutes straight without limping terribly, and then she realized...I can't do it AT ALL right now, because I took my Mcdonald's napkin cushions OUT of my dress pumps just before coming into the building! My heels are literally BLEEDING, if I try to walk around with him for the next 30 minutes, my pumps will be FILLED with BLOOD!

Desperately, Jennifer racked her brain to try to find an excuse to say No...Then it dawned on her, just be...honest, at least part of the way: "Sir...I...would just love to tour the building with you right now...But...there's just one thing...I already have one more interview scheduled for today, and it's for 7 PM, and I'm not driving, I have to take the bus and then the train to get there, and...I just don't think I can make it in time if we do a...tour right now...It just...wouldn't be fair of me to cancel that appointment at the last minute, and I would NEVER just not show up for an appointment, that would be so disrespectful...

Please...Is there any way I can...come back, first thing tomorrow morning, as early as you want, to do the tour???"

And now it was Michael's turn to suppress a soft sob...How could he have even TRIED to be so...cruel?? A Heroine was sitting across from him, a beautiful, kind, sweet, honest, sincere woman, willing to suffer and to sacrifice, so thoughtful and considerate...And he was so LUCKY to have an opportunity to try to befriend her, to get to know her over the next few weeks, months, years, FOREVER, he hoped!

Blinking rapidly, Michael took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, to cover up his own welling tears, and said:

"Of course, Jennifer, we...don't have to do the tour right now...We can do it, we...WILL do it...tomorrow morning. But...just one thing, please, don't go to your 7 PM interview. Don't go, Jennifer. them right now, and apologize for cancelling at the last minute, and tell them the reason got a...job! You just got hired, by me, to work here!"

And again Jennifer's mind reeled in shock! A JOB, she had just got HIRED, just when it looked so HOPELESS, just when it looked like she was BLOWING this great opportunity by declining to do the walking tour!

Taking a deep breath to try to collect herself, to try to regain her composure, knowing she HAD to respond in a coherant way, Jennifer began to stammer: "Thhhaaank you soooo much Sir, thank you f...or giving me this chance...I...won't let you down, I promise! I'll be here...tomorrow morning...any time...the earlier the better...just tell me what time..."

And then all of her emotions, fatigue, and the many hours of throbbing pain overwhelmed her, and Jennifer began to cry, soft but deep sobs...She just could not stop them, could not control herself...And even as she sobbed, panic once again gripped her. She was BLOWING IT, she must look CRAZY, to be sitting in the office of an HR director, a complete stranger, and openly crying just after being offered a job. He must think I'm crazy, he's going to retract the job offer right now, the thought flashed through her mind as panic gripped her and she closed her eyes tightly, mentally willing the tears to stop...

And then she felt something on her hand, something touching her hand...What could it be???

As she opened her eyes slowly, she saw Michael sitting on the carpet next to her chair, and...he was softly stroking her hand...and he was...crying too! Again, Jennifer's mind reeled, and, trying to calm her own tears, she blurted out the first thought in her mind: 'Why are YOU crying????"

And Michael found the internal courage to just be honest and truthful, responding almost immediately: "I'm crying're crying..."

And now they looked at each other, right through their tears, and really SAW each other, for the first time, simultaneously, in a way that few people ever see other people, ever, in their entire lifetimes.

They saw the affection, the humanity, the kindness, the fear, the vulnerability, the flaws and the perfection, each within the other.

And because it was too much to immediately process, like the flick of a switch, Jennifer's tears turned to laughter, and so did Michael's...They just looked at each other and laughed, not at each other, but WITH each other, for long minutes...Both feeling as if a great weight had just been lifted from their shoulders...

Michael slowly got up from the floor and got a box of tissues, giving them to Jennifer for her to wipe her eyes, before decided he had to continue being courageous: "Jennifer...can I tell you something?? Just by sheer...luck...I was looking out the window of my office just as you came to the building, and...I...saw you...take off your shoes...I saw you...pull tissues out of the heel backs, and they looked red, and I saw your heels looked...bloody, had your baby toes and bunion joints covered with...I think it was just...broke my heart, and touched my heart...

"Can I, please, take off your shoes for you?? You must be in agony, please...let me gently take them off, and carry you to my car, and drive you to your apartment, and then...take care of your poor feet, bathe them and clean your open blisters, to make sure they do not become infected?? Please Jennifer..."

And of course Jennifer's mind reeled once again in surprise, but she already knew it was okay, she already knew Michael's heart. He had cried WITH her, cried FOR her, in a way no man, no human being in fact, had ever done.

She didn't understand everything completely, but she knew she was safe with Michael, no matter where they were, no matter where they went, together, anywhere, everywhere, always.

The End.
injured feet 02.jpg
terrible heel blisterf needs to get home 07.jpg

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Re: The Job Interview: An original, romantic, female foot pain story

Post by Hamilton »

A nice little story. Several years ago I wrote a story about a woman in tight shoes and the pain she felt. Perhaps you'll enjoy the story.



At 5:15PM Jessica had just finished buckling her right shoe when she saw her boss
Danielle pad briskly out of her office in her stocking feet. Jessica knew from experience
that if her boss was shoeless after five she was working late. There was a ninety percent
chance that Danielle would ask her to work late too. Jessica looked at her shod foot and
then looked at her stocking foot. She glanced under her desk at her empty high heel lying
on its side and she glanced up to see Danielle disappear around a corner. Flexing her
stocking covered toes, Jessica contemplated putting on her left shoe and leaving before
Danielle returned. After a few moments she reached down and unbuckled her right shoe.
Kicking it off under her desk Jessica fanned out all ten of her toes. After all she didn't
have any other plans.

Bonnie sat in her hot truck drawing deeply on a cigarette she had just lit. Traffic was at a
stand still and she was going nowhere fast. Bonnie had big plans for the night but had to
deliver one more package. She finished her cigarette with one more long drag and
realized she had only moved three car lengths. Sweaty and totally disgusted she threw
her butt down onto the metal floorboard of her truck and crushed violently with her left
foot. Her feet were sweaty and very hot. Her black work shoes were annoying her to no
end so she worked her left foot out of its shoe. Soon she was dangling her foot, covered
with a black foot sock, out of the open sliding door of her delivery truck. Wriggling her
toes wildly, she swung her long shapely tanned left leg cooling her sweaty socked foot in
the warm humid air. As refreshing as that was, Bonnie soon noticed how hot and
uncomfortable her right foot felt resting on the brake pedal. Putting her truck in neutral
and applying the parking braking, Bonnie pried off her other shoe. Leaning back in her
seat she brought her right foot up and rested on the dashboard on top the weak air
conditioning vent. Finally traffic started moving.

Arriving at her final destination, Bonnie stepped out of truck with her electronic delivery
pad. . Running her fingers through her thick long brunette hair and still shoeless, she
walked to the back of her truck with a cigarette butt dangling from her pouting lips.
Lifting the back door of her truck, Bonnie took one last puff of her cigarette, pulled it
from her lips and flicked the burning butt away with her manicured index finger. She
bent down and forcibly exhaled smoke as she picked the small package. Tucking the
package under her arm the statuesque woman strode into the lobby in her socks.

Danielle's right foot was asleep. She had a habit of kicking off a shoe and sitting on top
of her foot and occasionally her foot would fall asleep. Out of the corner of her eye she
saw Jessica walking down the hall. Quickly Danielle got up to walk after Jessica but she
almost fell over when she tried to step on her numb and tingling foot.

"Jessica!" cried out Danielle as she grabbed the table to keep from falling.

Jessica entered the conference room quickly and saw Danielle leaning on the table
shaking her dark stocking covered right leg.

"My foot fell asleep" said Danielle in response to Jessica's quizzical concerned look.
"Anyway I'm gad you 're here. It's close enough that I can let you in on a secret project
I've been working on -- Wait, are you leaving? -- You don't have your shoes on. Can
you stay?"

"I can stay," replied Jessica, " In fact I was just going downstairs because the guard at the
front desk said there was a package for you."

"Great its here", exclaimed Danielle who was now just beginning to be able to wiggle her

"What is it? What's the secret project?" Jessica eagerly asked.

"I'll tell you but first let's get my shoes." Danielle said.

With most of the feeling returning to her foot Danielle headed out the door and turned
towards the elevators. Jessica followed Danielle but was surprised since Danielle said
she wanted to get her shoes.

"Didn't you say you wanted to get your shoes?" asked Jessica as the two stocking footed
women waited for the elevator doors to close.

"I'm expecting new shoes in the package" explained Danielle as the elevator doors

Danielle carried the unopened package back into the conference in which she had been
working. Stacks of paper and a laptop computer were on the burled walnut conference
table. Jessica was close behind.

"Close the door Jess," commanded Danielle, "You're going to love these shoes but
they're mine!"

Closing the door and turning towards Danielle, Jessica was excited with anticipation.
She watched Danielle grab a pair of scissors. There were a lot of mysteries Jessica
wanted to answer. Danielle cut open the package.

"These shoes are Frederick Noss originals from France" Danielle proudly said as she
worked on opening the box.

"My cousin lives in France," said Jessica, "She said he's all the rage and he'll probably
be the next big shoe designer it the world."

"Precisely!" replied Danielle as she pulled out a four-inch stiletto heeled, snakeskin

Jessica gazed at the pump with desire, awe and reverence. The pump was not grey or
brown like so many reptilian hues. It was alabaster white with a shimmering yellow tint.
The insole was iguana green and silken smooth.

"If everything goes well tomorrow our company might be the sole distributor of Fredrick
Noss shoes in America," said Danielle as she looked at the shoe, "That's the secret

Danielle's words barely registered with Jessica as she stared at the sexy, low-cut vamp of
the pump.

"The shoe is my size," Jessica slowly said in a whisper.

"What!?" asked Danielle as she looked at the shoe size, "It's a size eight. Thirty-six is an
eight. I'm a size eight."

"No Thirty-nine is an eight," replied Jessica, "Thirty-six is a six."

"What!?" gasped Danielle.

Danielle immediately plopped down in a chair and crossed her legs. She tried to pull the
shoe on to her foot and realized Jessica was right.

"This is terrible!" exclaimed Danielle as she tried to pull on and wiggle her foot into the
shoe. "Fredrick is flying in tomorrow morning and I was going to meet him wearing these

"Don't worry Dee, I've got a shoehorn at my desk," said Jessica as she bounded out of
the room.

Pulling off the shoe with her left hand Danielle massaged and squeezed her foot with her
right hand as if she were trying to make the foot smaller. After a few moments she
adjusted the toe seam of her stocking. Placing the shoe upright on the floor Danielle
carefully pulled the nylon stocking tight over her foot with both hands. Flexing her foot
one more time she stood up and stepped into the upright high heel. With her foot three
quarters of the way into the shoe she began scrunching her toes and wiggling her ankle.
Slowly she worked her foot deeper into the shoe. She grimaced as she pushed. It felt like
her toes could go no further and be squeezed no tighter. The heel of her foot was still
not in the shoe.

"I got my shoehorn," said Jessica as she ran in to the room.

"Great!" uttered Danielle as she reached out for the shoehorn.

With the shoehorn Danielle sat back in her chair and reached down to her foot. Jessica
glanced at the remaining pump in the box with envy.

"Can I try the other shoe on?" Jessica asked Danielle.

"Sure" said Danielle as she pushed the spiked heel into the floor.

Gleefully Jessica picked up the shoe and leaned against the table as she picked up her left
foot. Quickly she brushed the dust covering her stocking sole with her right hand and
effortlessly pulled on the pump. It felt so comfortable. Lowering her foot and with she
rotated her ankle and examined her elegantly shod foot. The shoe made her ankle and
foot look ever so feminine. The toe cleavage and hint of arch exposure was so sexy. A
gentle flex of her toes flicked the heel of the shoe on and off of her foot.

"Ssssssssssssssssssssst" winced Danielle as her heel finally sunk in her shoe.

Removing the shoehorn Danielle looked at her foot and the shoe did not look nearly as
tight as it felt. It showed nice toe cleavage and a nice curve of her arch and no part of her
foot looked like it was spilling or bulging out of the shoe. It was the magic of a Frederick
Noss design. An excruciatingly tight shoe looked so good on her foot. Danielle stood up
and put most of her weight on her foot in the high heel.

"Ooooooh" she quietly said as she closed her eyes and immediately shifted her weight to
her stocking foot.

At the same time both women started walking. Jessica only let the toes of her stocking
foot touch the floor as she delightfully strutted around the table. Danielle plodded and
limped around the table putting all of her weight flat on her stocking foot as she stepped
her gingerly with her high heeled foot. Jessica looked at Danielle collapse in a nearby
chair and try to push her shoe off with her stocking foot. Her nylon covered toes just slid
down the heel of her shoe uselessly.

"Are you still going to wear these shoes tomorrow" asked Jessica with the secret hope
that the shoes would some how become hers to keep.

"I have to wear them tomorrow" Danielle ruefully replied, "After that I'll throw them

"Don't throw them away! I'll take them" blurted out Jessica.

"You can have them." Danielle said as she looked at how much bigger her stocking foot
looked next to her foot in the shoe. "You know as long as I'm sitting down the shoe
almost seems bearable. Let me try the other one on".

Jessica slipped her foot out of its shoe and bent down to pick it up for Danielle but
instead of handing it to Danielle, Jessica decided to help put it on Danielle's foot. She
did it partly to assure her chances of eventually getting the shoes and partly because she
empathized with Danielle's suffering.

"Give me the shoehorn please," Jessica gently commanded.

"You don't…" Danielle began but soon stopped as Jessica tenderly grabbed her stocking
foot with kindness.

Surrendering the shoehorn Danielle leaned back in the chair. Jessica began easing the
shoe onto Danielle's foot.

"I have a few tricks that might help you", said Jessica as she put the shoehorn behind her
boss's heel. " I had to wear a pair of tight shoes at my brother's wedding. The first thing
is you should wear sheer support hose. It will make your foot a little bit smaller. Second
put you shoes on early in the morning. Your feet swell during the day. Take a pain killer
and if you have to keep you shoes on for the day don't ever take them off, not even for a
moment when you think no one is looking. I made the mistake of slipping my shoes off
under the table at the reception and I couldn't get them back on."

"A lot of women take their shoes off at weddings" Danielle replied as her left foot slipped
completely into its shoe."

"Yah, I know," answered Jessica "But for all the pictures of the wedding party at the
reception I was a good three inches shorter. My family always kids me about that. How's
your foot feel?"

"OK I guess" Danielle said trying to wiggle her toes inside the shoe. "It should be alright
as long as I'm sitting I'll be fine and most of tomorrow I'll either be sitting in the limo or
in the Executive Conference room upstairs. I'll remember not to slip my shoes off under
the table. Actually as tight as these shoes are I can't slip them off under the table."

"Is there a lot of work that has to be done for tomorrow" asked Jessica.

"Yah there's a fair amount of work" Danielle said nodding her head yes. "But first help
me off with these shoes."

At about 10:00PM Jessica and Danielle left the building in their stocking feet.

Danielle was glad she listened to Jessica and wore sheer support hose. The taupe hose
was invigorating and made her abdomen flatter in her new tailored white cashmere suit.
It accentuated and shaped her already beautiful legs that were so much more visible in the
shorter skirt. The early morning light made the nude hose glisten perfectly
complementing the shoes that held her feet like a vise.

Not taking the pain killer was a regret. Danielle's toes were crammed into one painful
mass in each shoe and the balls of her feet were on fire after only ten minutes of standing
on the tarmac waiting for the private jet to arrive. The heels of the shoe squeezed her
foot so tight that a blister could not even form. Every second she felt the shoes getting
tighter; her feet were already beginning to swell. She wanted so much to take the shoes
off but she remembered what Jessica had told her.

Originally she thought it would just be a few feet from the plane to the limo but airport
security required the limo to be about 350 feet away. Walking out to where the plane
would stop was agonizing. She dreaded the walk back to the limo.

The plane landed but it seemed to take an eternity for the to taxi over to where she was.
Danielle needed to kick off a pump and momentarily wiggle the toes that were paralyzed
in the shoe but she resisted with all her will. While the plane was taxiing she shifted her
weight from foot to foot picking up one foot at a time and rotating her ankle. She could
not lean on anything. Finally the plane arrived but it was taking forever for the door to
open. The tarmac was getting noticeably hotter.

Meeting Frederick Noss was the most important moment of Danielle career and only two
things were keeping the shoes on her feet now. She did not want to embarrass herself by
not being able to wear a Fred Noss original and the shoes were too tight to slip off easily.

"Excellent choice in footwear madam!" Fredrick Noss said to Danielle after he kissed
her hand.

"Thank you for noticing" replied Danielle and for a fleeting moment her feet felt better.

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries. Danielle had explained that she had
Frederick's luggage delivered to the hotel and that they had a brief morning itinerary after
which Frederick could retire to his hotel until tomorrow morning.

"I'm sorry the limo is so far away" apologized Danielle thinking more of her situation
than Fredrick's.

Clop, Clop, clop, clop, clop, clop, was the sound of Danielle's shoes as she and Frederick
walked toward the limo. Every clop was an experience of intensifying pain but Danielle
kept smiling. It felt like she was taking a thousand steps.

Like finding an oasis in the dessert reaching the limo was a welcome respite. The air-
conditioned interior was refreshing. Sitting down in the plush seat caused the ever-
increasing pain in Danielle's feet to become a constant ache; this was surprisingly
revitalizing. Crossing her exquisitely beautiful legs Danielle's right foot hovered close to
an air conditioning vent cooling the instep step of her imprisoned foot. Danielle could
deal with the constant pain in her feet. She thought she was "home free" and she began
to talk to Frederick excitedly about his itinerary.

"We have a brief presentation and luncheon at our building for you" began Danielle.
"After that we will drive you to your hotel where you can rest until tomorrow an then I
will give you a personal tour of our facilities after which we have a night of entertainment
planned for you. Also for your entire stay we have this limo at you disposal."

"Great!" replied Frederick, with a romantic French accent " But if the limo is to my
disposal I would like to change the itinerary now to test the flexibility of your firm.
Flexibility is important to me. I would like you to give me an unplanned tour of your
main warehouse facility which is near here."

Danielle made a few quick phone calls and did what Frederick requested and within a
half hour they were in front of the warehouse. The Frenchman was very impressed.

The warehouse was about the size of 6 football fields and towered 6 stories high. It's
cleanliness and operation impressed Frederick. Although all Danielle desired was to sit
down and take off her shoes she followed Frederick and the warehouse manager through
and endless walking tour. Her steps were more shuffling now and when ever they paused
to talk Danielle always found something to lean against so she could shift her weight.
Picking up one foot and rotating her ankle gave some illusion of comfort.

Danielle had no idea her pain threshold was so high. Her feet were hot. Her soles burned
as if she were standing on coals. A dull ache was radiating up her shapely calves towards
her knees. Her toes were throbbing and every step was accompanied by stabbing pain.

Finally at the other end of the warehouse the tour appeared to be over and Danielle
reached in to her stylish purse for her cell phone to call the limo.

"I'll call the limo to pick us up." Said Danielle.

"No." Frederick said shaking his head. "It is such a beautiful day and we are by such a
wonderful river let us walk along the left bank back to the car."

Danielle's heart fell to her feet but she mustered a smile.

"Magnificent idea" said Danielle.

She thought that if they were by the bank she could take her shoes off to walk in the sand
but she knew once she took the shoes off she would never be able to put them on again.
Outside Frederick and Danielle found a sidewalk that both of them could walk down.
Danielle did not have to take off her shoes but she thought that it was the hardest, hottest
and longest sidewalk she ever walked down in her life.

Again there was comfort in the limo, if a constant dull ache can be considered comfort.
At least the stabbing pain stopped. If the shoes had not been so tight Danielle probably
would have subconsciously slipped her feet out of them without realizing it but there
would have to be some conscious effort to pull off these shoes.

As the limo started moving, Frederick opened a small refrigerator and took out an Evian
bottle. Danielle's cell phone rang and she took a brief call. When the call ended she
became acutely aware of the soreness of her feet. Opening her purse to replace her phone
Danielle could not believe what she saw. It was a miracle! Down in the corner of her
purse was a lint covered Vicodin tablet. She had been prescribed Vicodin several months
ago after some elective surgery. This pill must have unknowingly fell out of the bottle
and remained in her purse. It was a Godsend.

Carefully, she tweezed the pill free with the tips of her French manicured nails and
rubbed off the lint. Grabbing a small bottle of Perrier out of the refrigerator, Danielle
surreptitiously took the pill.

After 40 minutes or so the limo pulled up to Danielle's office with Danielle feeling quit a
bit better and much more relaxed. Danielle didn't really know if the pain in her feet was
much less but she did know she really didn't care. Her shoes were still tight though but
she was feeling giddy and carefree and it didn't matter. Normally Danielle would be
nervous at this point but she wasn't. The presentation she had worked so hard on for the
past month was completely automatic. She could start it and kick back and relax.

Once sitting in the conference room, Danielle had a moment of clarity and regretted
taking Vicodin. She was feeling tired and her feet were experiencing an intense numbing
warmness. Sitting next to Frederick as the multi media presentation began, she had to
keep her wits about her during the presentation. She could not afford to let this deal get
away. Pouring a tall glass of ice water, she chugged it down and she refilled her glass.
Feeling more alert she realized her feet were really hot.

After 10 minutes and three glasses of water Danielle reached under the table and pulled
her right shoe off of her foot. It was the Vicodin breaking down her will. Instantly she
became more alert as she flexed her toes n rotated her ankle. Silently dropping the shoe
onto the thickly carpeted floor, Danielle uncrossed and crossed her legs and pulled off her
left shoe. Again she silently placed the shoe on the floor while she rotated and flexed her
left foot. Her stocking foot kept brushing against something. She soon realized her foot
was rubbing against Frederick's pant leg. She was mortified.

"Excuse me," she whispered as she swiveled her chair slightly away from Frederick and
uncrossed her legs.

"My fault entirely" Frederick graciously and absentmindedly said. In truth Frederick had
hardly noticed Danielle's frisky foot. He was thoroughly engrossed in the presentation.

Frantically fishing for her shoes Danielle was quickly relieved to find them without
having to look. Slipping her stocking feet half way into her shoes while she wondered
what Frederick thought. Danielle looked at Frederick, who seemed enthralled at the
presentation and felt she got away with something. Crossing her right leg over her left
knee Danielle dangled her right pump. Unknown to her though, was a cable from the
computer to the floor ran between her exposed arch and the shoe that hung from her toe.

As her right shoe swung lazily above the floor, Danielle began easing her left foot further
into its shoe. She would curl her toes to creep further into the shoe but the heel of her
foot remained exposed. If it were not for the effects of the Vicodin, Danielle might have
been panicked at her inability to put on her shoe. Realizing the futility of her effort, and
surrendering to her drug induced euphoria; she shook the left pump off her foot. It fell on
its side and Danielle began rubbing the sole of her foot over the plush carpet. The
presentation continued and Danielle was suddenly feeling sleepy.

Danielle was dozing. Suddenly she awoke to the sound of Frederick filling his water
glass. Had she been sleeping ten seconds or ten minutes? She was now overcome by a
pressing urge that comes after drinking many glasses of water on an empty stomach.
Taking a moment to collect herself she realized that she had only dozed for a minute or
so and that the presentation had another fifteen minutes to run. That would give her a
chance to run to the Ladies Room after she put on her shoes. The toes of her left foot
were just touching her over turned high heel when she decided to uncross her legs. The
dangling right shoe hit the cable under the table and flew off of Danielle's big toe.
Shocked that she had lost her right shoe she tried to fumble quickly in to her left shoe but
only succeeded in kicking it away. If there was any haziness from Vicodin it was gone
now. Danielle had lost both of her shoes under the table. She wielded her stocking feet
wildly in a frenzied search for her shoes but only felt luxurious carpet. Her urge was
becoming much more pressing.

Being embarrassed that she had lost both of her shoes, Danielle realized she would be
more embarrassed if she did not leave immediately for the Ladies Room. She pardoned
herself and left the Frederick alone to scurry down the hall in her stocking feet.

Feeling the cool tile of the Ladies Room floor against her nylon covered feet was
stimulating. It was better than the Vicodin but now she had to return to the conference
room and figure out how to find her shoes without Frederick knowing.

Due to the presentation, the conference room was extremely dim. When Danielle
reentered the room she immediately glanced beneath the table for her shoes. All she saw
were dark shadows. Sitting back in her chair next to Frederick, Danielle covertly
scanned under the table for her shoes but again only saw shadows again. Her only option
was to grope for her shoes with her stocking feet being mindful not to start an inadvertent
game of footsies with Frederick.

After several haphazard sweeps with her sheer stocking toes Danielle still had no idea
where her shoes were. She decided to start a very methodical search with her feet.
Alternating with her left and right foot she would use her toes to mark off the corners of
an imaginary square. Then she would run her stocking foot up and down and back and
forth across that area. She was concentrating so much on her shoe search that she lost
track of the presentation.

At last the tips of her stocking covered toes of her left foot felt leather. Slumping down
slightly in her chair she stretched her left leg as far is it could go and hooked her toes into
the shoe. As she pulled the shoe closer she realized something was wrong. The shoe was
flat and much larger. Frederick must have slipped off his shoe!

Danielle thought the whole situation was really getting embarrassing but then it occurred
to her that this could work to her advantage. If Frederick kicked off his shoe, would it be
so bad that she had kicked off her shoes? Maybe Frederick was wearing Frederick Noss
originals. Just at that moment the presentation ended and the effect that Danielle work so
hard to perfect went off flawlessly. The lights came on and the curtains opened
automatically illustrating the mastery of technology to control distribution. Suddenly
Danielle felt Frederick's shoeless foot stroking her shoeless foot.

The Vicodin, the unexpected bright lights, and her stocking foot being gently stroked
were all very disorienting. Danielle did not have a clear thought in her head.

"I see you found my shoe," said Frederick with no embarrassment.

Danielle felt like a deer caught in the headlights. She was paralyzed. She could not
decide whether to pull her foot back or leave it their for Fredrick to rub. Frederick then
did something with his toes that made Danielle think that even if he wanted to do
business with her she might not want to do business with him. She pulled her foot away
slowly. Her stocking feet never felt more bare.

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you", apologized Frederick "But you have discovered the
secret of my shoes."

"What's that?" inquired Danielle as she primly tucked her stocking feet under her chair.

"You have to hurt to be beautiful!"
Posts: 168
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:47 am

Re: The Job Interview: An original, romantic, female foot pain story

Post by ismaltese »

Nice stories, thanks! Do you have anymore sore feet stories? There was once a Yahoo ML with a lot of them ...
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