10 most important inventions

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Feeture Feature
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10 most important inventions

Post by Feeture Feature »

What do you consider the 10 most important inventions in the history of mankind. My choices in no particular order:

1. The Internet - allows people contact with others they could never contact otherwise about subjects they could never learn about otherwise

2. Microwave ovens - allow fast and easy food preparation for those who do not wish to spend the time or have the talent to cook

3. Alphabets - allow standardized communication

4. Pornography - an outlet for desires that could make one a social outcast

5. High heels - make women's legs attractive and make women want to remove them

6. Hosiery - hides flaws of women's legs and feet

7. Money - allows commerce on a wide, easily understood scale

8. Motion pictures - allow dreams to be seen and ideas to be spread and caused theaters to be built where women like to remove shoes

9. Airplanes - allow travel to distant places in reasonable time and provide cramped places where women like to remove shoes

10. Libraries - you can educate or entertain yourself and indulge your fetish for feet at the same time

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Post by notalwaysright10000 »

It's difficult to answer this question, because there are actually very, very few discrete "inventions". Science and technology are extremely collaborative and - more to the point- extremely *gradual*- with very few specific pivotal moments or out of the blue "inventions" that don't rely heavily on the previous work of others.

That said, it's pretty easy to identify the principals that make science and technology -and thus virtually our entire modern way of life- possible.

The first and most important is the scientific method. Simply put, you don't just argue about things, you test them whenever possible.

Then, no less important, you have multiple other people who have no particular interest in the first people being right do the same tests, and see if they get the same results.
If the same results are gotten be enough different people who have no obvious self interested reason to give a fuck if all the previous people are right, then you have pretty firm results.

The only way to ensure (as nearly as possible) that the people doing the research don't give a fuck about any *specific* result is to to pay them just for doing the research, no matter what the results are. This is NOT to be confused with paying them to do any old research that strikes their fancy - it only means that *funding* and *findings* should be kept as separate as dish water and toilet water.

Climatologists, for example, don't get any extra pay for getting any specific result, in exactly the same way that astrophysicists don't get payed any more or less for findings that support or undermine string theory. They get payed just to investigate, which is the only way science can ever function.

Just for fun I'll go through Feeture Feature's list:

1. Agreed! The collective information -and images- of the world at your fingertips. Its (very gradual) invention goes at least as far back as Boolean logic in the nineteenth century.

2. The microwave- An excellent example of why basic scientific research done for its own sake is far more important than market R&D carried out for a specific purpose. The people most responsible for the microwave oven are particle physicists, not whomever put the first microwave oven to the market

3. Alphabets- Again, agreed. Probably the single most important innovation in human history. It's too broad to say any more without saying a LOT more.

4. Yup. It's been around for as long as the human ability to paint and sculpt.

5. Heels: Nuff said!

6. Hosiery- Same.

7. Money- Here I'm a lot more ambivalent. I'll give you wide, but easily understood? Anyone who claims to understand the intricacies of finance or macroeconomics is simply full of shit. Sorry, no exceptions. (I'd advise any such person to pick up a book on complex systems science.)

8. Motion pictures- Agreed; if only they were less firmly anchored to number seven.

9. Airplanes- probably the closest thing on the list to being the wholly original product of a few individuals. That is, "closest to", but not "actually".

10. Libraries- Yes, these are godsend both for knowledge acquisition and hunting shoeplay. The main branch of the Los Angeles is a shoeplay hunter's dream: five floors, plenty of shelves to look inconspicuous behind, lots of pretty studious girls and no obligation to buy coffee or a sandwich. lulz
Uh, OK, what should I write here...
Sweet and to the point:
My strong preference is for seated, both-feet shoeplay. Dangling, and shoeplay with open-toed shoes or mules, I'm afraid don't do as much for me.
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Post by Dead Parrot »

Excellent post Feeture.

Here's my two Euros, and perhaps I'm going for more of the big picture as opposed to specifics:

1. Writing - The ability to record thoughts, emotions, information, stories, codes, and ideas in a permanent or semi-permanent manner (stone vs. paper), and have others understand and share said writing, is of supreme importance to our development as a species. The effect on our progress cannot be overstated.

2. Mathematics - The ability to count, track, understand and manipulate numbers, measure things, perform calculations, observe/theorize about patterns and motion, as well as the relentless dedication to logic and reason, is the bedrock of most of our other science. Without mathematics we'd still be Homo McNugget for Sabre Tooth Tigers (or their more lethal descendants).

3. The Wheel - One of the six simple machines of history. Slap a circle on an axel and you can transport men and supplies, steer a ship, make pottery, convert running water into power, turn cogs and clockwork, and any number of variations that help keep our society moving without too much friction.

4. Water Treatment/Waste Disposal - Finding, transporting, and storing potable water made possible the successful growing human settlements of the past. Proper sewage ensured a healthier and in turn, more prosperous settlement. Without proper clean water supplies and the ability to dispose of human waste, your experiment in advanced civilization will be quickly decimated by the tiniest but deadliest organisms on the planet.

5. Metalworking - The ability to smelt ores and produce metal that can be formed into useful objects was a huge game changer for humanity. No more stone age for us, the sky was the limit.

6. Harnessing Elecricity - The various ways to generate and use electricity have literally propelled us into the future. Quality of life often depends on how much power is available: can you keep medicine and food cool? Can you run assembly line factories? Can you provide safe heating and cooling for living quarters, and can you work after dark or in bad weather? Just wait until the next power failure to see how important it is that man has tamed the lightning.

7. Antibiotics - The ability to effectively fight bacterial infections, along with #4, put humanity over the top in terms of good health and increased life expectancy.

8. The Ship - As you've heard repeated endlessly, the Earth is mostly water. Most human settlements, past and present, are very near water. In order to traverse this 70% of our planet, we've needed a good tool. Enter the "buoyant waterborne craft". They have carried us all over the world, made extensive trade possible, sparked exploration and travel, and fought to take or protect resources and/or sealanes. And they're still doing it, every hour of every day. The history of the ship is the history of humanity.

9. The Plough - Agriculture revolutionized how we live and where we live. It was the plough that provided us the ultimate tool to work the soil.

10. Gunpowder - Like it or not, this simple combination of matter has provided a method of attack, defense, construction, and sometimes entertainment (fireworks) that changed warfare forever and shaped our world in ways our ancestors could scarcely imagine.
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Post by notalwaysright10000 »

Excellent post, Dead Parrot.

A couple quick thoughts.

Gunpowder- (I don't suppose anyone here has read Jared Diamond's 'Guns, Germs and Steel'?) Just to be provocative, how about nuclear weapons? There is a reason a war between Germany and France is now as comically unthinkable as a war between Minnesota and Michigan, and it isn't because Western Europe suddenly came to its senses after five thousand years. Nukes are the sole reason there was no World War Three.

But they're also the reason there will *damn* sure be no World War Four. Does the Name Vasili Arkhipov mean anything to anyone?
(It certainly should.)
Uh, OK, what should I write here...
Sweet and to the point:
My strong preference is for seated, both-feet shoeplay. Dangling, and shoeplay with open-toed shoes or mules, I'm afraid don't do as much for me.
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Post by nonamer »

1. Nylons, without them i wouldn't have this marvelous fetish.

2. Reinforced toes, saves a lot of ugly feet.

3. High-heels, saves more ugly feet.

4. Red nail polish, completes the beauty.

5. Gloves, makes a lady hot.

6. Jeans-trousers for ladies, coupled with pantyhose, or any nylons i would say.

7. Ankle rings, toe rings, jewelry.

8. Fetish, makes the world a better place.

9. Internet, porn websites, nyllover.com

10. Japans, for the pantyhose fetish porn except censor.

Yeah, these :P
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Post by Footsiefreak »

1. Electricity- cant use the internet watch tv etc etc.

2.Cars- we all cant ride horses lol

3.Remote Controls- i remeber dialing channels so fuckin annoying

4. Cell phones- I am still trying to remebber what I did when my car died before the came out?

5. aIR Conditioning

6 Television- gotta see the world and whats happening in it without leaving the house

7. Internet
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Post by Footsiefreak »

8. Stokings/ Hosiery/ Dippable shoes
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Post by christo »

1. Internet
2. Personal Computers
3. Pantyhose & tights
4. Leggings - Love this trend.
5. Cell Phones - the ability to carry so many things in your pocket is fantastic.
6. Tesla - He has done wonders.
7. Facetime & Skype

This is harder than I thought. Might need to come back to this.
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