What triggered your foot fetish?

Discussions, comments, polls, opinions, anything regarding foot fetish.

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Re: What triggered your foot fetish?

Post by Baloo_135 »

It was all the footsie scenes on TV in the late 80s and 90s. Who's Harry Crumb, Working Girl, Weekend at Bernies, etc all had a gorgeous women in nylons and heels teasing a man under the table. It made me embarrassed to watch around my family for some reason and gave me "tingly feelings". That combined with my grade school teachers shoeplaying and crawling around the church pews made me curious.

What really set me off sexually was my first girlfriend in high-school. She was a really close friend but we had a strong sexual attraction. She would definitely play some footsies under the table and in movie theaters when our friends were around. Once we become official I don't her how I loved footsies, nylons, and heels.

Her Mom started inviting me to church and each time we went my girlfriend would wear pencil skirts, black nylons, and heels! She would cross her leg toward me and dangle in church and run her nylon foot up my pantleg during lunch after.

We were together for 6 years and it ended badly. A mistake I made was making sex all about my needs and not really focusing on hers. She had other issues too but that's neither here nor there.

My wife Alicia is a God send. A real sweetie and so down to earth. Can't speak enough about her! And her feet and legs are to die for.

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Re: What triggered your foot fetish?

Post by mininova87 »

ShoeplayJ wrote: Mon Nov 01, 2021 4:57 pm
mininova87 wrote: Sun Oct 31, 2021 4:31 pm
This went on for about 10 minutes until one of their mum's called them inside.
Hold up...

You're saying all that stuff happend while ya'll were still outside in front of their house? No one happens to pass by and see a young boy sucking on two girl's feet and eating ice cream off the ground by way of the aforementioned feet??
They had a long front garden that goes onto a large field with only a single footpath. Hence why the following was easy since it's one path unless you cut across the field.
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Re: What triggered your foot fetish?

Post by christo »

All I know is I knew from the age of 5 that i liked feet. Didn't know why but I did.
Home for celebrity pantyhose feet!
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Re: What triggered your foot fetish?

Post by pumplover »

I've thought about this for years. What triggered it was the shoeplay in hose and heels of my aunt from 1-3 times a week at church + her house after church, most specifically a couple of times (at the very beginning of my shoeplay journey) where she saw me looking and proceeded once (very early on in this discovery phase) to rub her stocking foot on my stomach tickling me, even asking once "do you like looking at my feet?". In those early early days she knew I was watching and would shoeplay - I distinctly recall a few times looking up from watching to see he looking at me grinning. I remember as far back as 4-5 years old seeing her dangle and extend her foot on the floor out to drag her shoe off before playing with it as we sat at church or in her living room, or when we would be standing to sing and she would dip. She would have been 34-35 years old at this time. Always in a dress. Always in hose, usually nude colored. Always in heels, at least 3 inches. Petite with long legs, perfect feet - sometimes painted nails, sometimes not. She triggered me. Of course, when you add in over the years other church women and teachers to what I was seeing with her guaranteed almost every week, it did nothing but fortify my enjoyment of shoeplay, particularly in hose and heels.

That's the simple version.
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Re: What triggered your foot fetish?

Post by jimdog22 »

for me my first noticeable experience was when i was ten. i lived in an apartment complex with like a courtyard in the middle.well one day some of the neighbor kids and i were playing in the the courtyard. and there was this blonde girl that lived there who was in her teens. kind of tall and skinny and wore glasses. well she was there sitting on a bench and was barefoot. i remember she had a band-aid on her big toe from a blister. she was kind of telling everyone about her wound. i remember at some point i ended up running to get the ball or whatever which landed next to her.i bent down to get it and was inches from her barefoot. at that moment i found myself staring at it and noticing how long and slender her toes and the sole was. i was taken by their beauty. i recall wanting to touch her feet. so i kind of touched her bandaged toe. she basically was like ouch what are you doing. i was totally embarrassed. but that was when i first became aware that long toes and soles were the sexiest body part. i never saw her again because we ended up moving.
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Re: What triggered your foot fetish?

Post by maelstrom9999 »

I don't know what triggered it, because it would have been too far back for me to remember. What I do know is that from my earliest memories of girls, which start from first grade, if I had a crush on a girl, if I thought she was pretty, I became obsessed with the fantasy of sniffing her feet.

One thing I would point out about the early onset of foot fetishism, which seems to be pretty common, is that at that age, there isn't much else interesting to fixate on. The girls have no breasts, and no asses to speak of. Beyond the pretty face, which was the first thing to attract my attention, from the neck down, I could have fixated on pretty much anything. It was feet for me, IMO because I was born that way. I strongly believe it has a biological origin, even though they are not certain which, if any, of the competing neurological theories is correct.

I should also mention that as I approached puberty, and the girls started to develop, I definitely became interested in breasts and asses as well, even obsessively interested. But the foot fixation never left me. It only expanded beyond sniffing to looking and touching, and obsessing over footwear as well.
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Re: What triggered your foot fetish?

Post by moxley95 »

I don't know when my fetish started but as far back as I can remember when I was 5 my teacher used to shoeplay watching the kids in the school playground. I remember I used to sit at her feet and touch them while they played, she had no problem with that even when I did that in front of the other teachers. The only time she got mad was when I put my head under her skirt lol
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Re: What triggered your foot fetish?

Post by Pigarose »

When I was 5 years old, I used to go to a kindergarten just near my house, we had a blonde tall teacher called Laura, she was FASCINATING! she loved me af and used to kiss me and play with me because I was the smartest kid in the kindergarten.
However one day while we were waiting for the class to start, a fat boy got on his knees in middle of the classroom and stuck his tongue out just like a dog, everyone laughed at him then one of the girls walked right toward him and started patting on his head as he's on his knees.
Afterwards he just lied on his stomach with his head right between her black shoes, everyone was watching and laughing as she put her foot on his cheek and he started reaching his tongue out to lick the bottom of her shoe! I was shocked cuz he was acting insane and literally everyone was giving him attention, he started licking her shoes nonstop and some other girls and boys joined in and put their shoes in front of him, he licked every single shoe. I remember a girl jumping on his back while others put their feet on his shoulders to keep him down.
Then the teacher Laura entered the class room and saw him, she ran toward him, lifted him up and started screaming at him, we never saw him again I think they kicked him out of the kindergarten.
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