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Turner Classic Movies on demand

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:42 pm
by Feeture Feature
Those of you who get this service in the US can watch 2 Miriam Hopkins classics for a week or so. In "Men Are Not Gods" (1936) she plays a kind of kook who becomes hooked on a guy in a Shakespeare play. On her first trip to the theater she is trampled by the rushing crowd when the unreserved seats open and loses her mints and one shoe. She has to walk around in one hosed foot until she finds the other shoe. In "Splendor" (1935) she is barefoot in and around a swimming pool and later sits and kicks pumps off her swollen hosed foot after a long day as a dress saleswoman. The real scene in that film is Billie Burke at a dinner party. Everyone is getting up after eating and she realizes she is in one shoe. She asks David Niven to crawl under the table and get her other shoe and put it on for her. He tries to put it on and says it is impossible because it is too small. She says it is so big it just fell off. A waiter offers a fork to use as a shoehorn but she says at least use a spoon. Then the scene ends.