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15 August 06 Update

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:54 am
by Dead Parrot
The Fetish Expo- Great name! :lol: And I hope that this is a useful tool for visitors. Since you have established such a great and enduring web presence (5 years counting the Yahoo! Groups) people should be listening to your reviews of these sites.

Vacation Video - My friend you are now officially a porn star! That must have been fun to make, and you got the view and the lighting down just right! I'm looking forward to more, and please thank Nyllady for sharing like this. Great stuff. :love:

The High and the Mighty - Interesting scene as I never associated this with any John Wayne film (I only watch the Westerns).

Perry Mason - Odd little scene suggesting femdom. I have no problem with that though.

Manticore Contribution - A very nice scene, but I'm afraid the actress is a little "severe" looking for my taste. Great lighting and camera work under the table though. Wish they were all like that!


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:17 am
by nyllover
Thank you DP ...i was starting to think that nobody noticed the last update, especially regarding The Fetish Expo and my wife video :)

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:18 pm
by legloverjj
Really??!! I thought that the little massage that you got from your wife was so :noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy: good :noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy: that I emailed her. I'd like to see more of her on this site.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:28 pm
by nyllover
Ah that was you? Sweet man :)

Anyway... you were the only one sending her any comments... and you know women... they like compliments... so guys... if you want more (and i do too :lol: )... you know what you should do ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:53 pm
by bigfoot
For you and your wife Nyllover! :noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy:

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:12 am
by legloverjj
<center> <b>
I know that this might sound silly, but the old rule is that people only react in the form of a complaint. So, if people are happy they are generally quiet.

I on the other hand usually speak out when something moves me. I know that I was not the only one :love: wow-ed :love: by your wife's abilities.

:noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy: