A Meeting to Remember

Write here your dreams, your stories, your experiences of footsie or other situations where a foot had been used to seduce

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A Meeting to Remember

Post by HeroOfKvatch »

Isabelle Lorraine let her heels slip out of her navy leather pumps. They were well-worn year-old pumps with a 6cm heel and barely clung onto her foot anymore. That’s how she liked it, though. They could be kicked off at a moment’s notice. Nobody but a few managers in the Sales Department had moaned about her walking around shoeless.

Perhaps she felt comfortable to do so because of the woman on the other side of the cubicle. Lisa Ramsey was just as young as Isabelle, though still her Senior at the company, and loved to talk about tights and pantyhose. Isabelle had always worn black pantyhose that accompanied her brunette hair, though Lisa experimented frequently. Her hair was a muted shade of pink that was coupled by thin white pantyhose, tinted a soft pink by her legs.

They had a strictly professional relationship until they met in the lavatory one day when Isabelle was inspecting a run in her black tights in the mirror. Lisa by chance had glanced in and saw the long tear, running down the length of her thigh. She quickly ran back to her desk and retrieved a premium brand of sheer black pantyhose.

She handed it to Isabelle and Isabelle gave her a gracious thanks. Ever since then, they began to talk outside of work and sit at the same table during their lunch break. Isabelle would always slip off her shoes and put them in Lisa’s lap. Lisa would gently massage them, not even eating until the break was nearly over.

For Isabelle, it was just some platonic bonding. But for Lisa, it was more or less a fetish. She felt a little bad, like she was exploiting Isabelle. Yet that warm fuzzy feeling she got from it easily overpowered that spark of guilt.

A slight tickle on her left sole made Isabelle realise Lisa was stealing her shoe. She desperately tried to keep the shoe on her foot; she pulled her foot back and tried to back away. Lisa tried to snag Isabelle’s shoe away by the heel while Isabelle’s toes were entrenched in the toebox. To a spectator, they both looked like working women, typing away at their computers. Yet under the table, a duel was occurring. A tug of war, with both slowly straining harder and harder.

Although Lisa was at a clear disadvantage since the shoe was upside down, her long toes allowed her to still get a good hook on it. Isabelle felt her sheer tights begin to slip on the carpet. She knew she was losing.

Isabelle’s foot slipped to the side, making her toes fall out and the shoe launched with sudden force towards Lisa. It hit the back of the desk, going thud. With no comment, Lisa dragged her prize away, leaving Isabelle with one shoe on.

Lisa leant down and picked up the stolen shoe. It was high-quality leather and still warm. Lisa looked at the insole and saw five dark outlines of toes and the vague shape of a foot embedded onto it. She gave it a subtle sniff and savoured the faint tones of strawberry perfume.

She slipped her 10cm white heels on and left for the breakroom. Lisa always wore her shoes walking around; nearly everyone she worked around was taller than her by at least 10 centimetres. She went in and pondered on where she could hide Isabelle’s shoe without it being too obvious or too hidden. ‘The rubbish bin? No, someone might empty it,’ she said in her head.

‘The tea cabinet?’ Isabelle was a big fan of tea. Though, Lisa wasn’t sure if she would have another cup by the end of the day. She decided it’d have to suffice. She walked over to the cabinet, opened the door and placed Isabelle’s shoe on top of the few boxes of tea.

Closing it, she noticed her heart beating fast. She had stolen Isabelle’s shoe plenty of times, but she had never played a prank like this. Then she remembered. Isabelle had a meeting in only a few minutes. There it was again, that feeling of guilt. Yet the thought of Isabelle walking into a formal meeting in only a single shoe was too exciting an idea. She had to see how it played out.

Lisa came back to her desk to see Isabelle’s bottom in a light grey skirt with a high slit poking out from beneath it. Her soles were on full display, her heel popping completely out of her remaining shoe. “Isabelle?” She questioned. Isabelle bumped her head as she tried to back out. Swiftly, she asked, “Lisa, where’s my shoe?”

Lisa had to think of a lie on the spot. “Oh, I don’t know where it ended up. It completely flung off your foot. It could be anywhere.”

“Ugh, I’ve looked anywhere and everywhere. It’s not like I can take your shoes either.” To Isabelle, Lisa was miniature. Isabelle was 174cm tall, whereas Lisa was only 150cm. Isabelle was a size 8 UK, where Lisa was merely a size 4. Isabelle looked at her watch. “Crap, I have to go now. Can you please keep looking for it?”

“Uh, ok. I’ll try.” Isabelle left with a hurried jog, letting her heel pop out every step it took. She didn’t want to be late like the last time. Even though Rosaline Tsushima said it was fine, Isabelle vowed to never be late again.

Isabelle quickly arrived in front of Rosaline’s office, just over a bridge that stretched over the lobby, 15 floors below. She reached for the doorknob but stopped and turned as she heard a familiar voice scolding her. “Miss, what do you think you’re doing running around in one shoe?”

It was Evaline Lincoln’s voice, a high-ranking manager in the Sales Department with long blonde hair that had been transferred from across the pond years back. “Sorry Ms. Lincoln, I couldn’t find the other one…”

“You need to keep better track of your shoes. Everyday I see you walking around in your stockings. It’s basic etiquette to have your shoes on.” Evaline slowly walked over. “You people in Accounting need to learn some manners and stop treating the office like your house.” As she spoke, she leant against the railing. Slowly, she eased her right foot out of her 14cm hot red stilettos.

Evaline was aware of the irony, but she was always a bit jealous of Isabelle. Watching Isabelle prance around in stockings made her realise how uncomfortable her own shoes were. As she lifted her foot, the unstable stiletto tipped over onto its side.

Evaline rubbed her aching bare foot on the back of her bare thigh, whilst continuing to accost Isabelle about her shoe troubles. After a few more words, she finally stopped. She reached down with her foot to find her shoe, not realising it had fallen over. She deftly tried to shove her foot in, but instead shoved it off the side of the bridge.

Noticing it slip from under her toes, she looked over the railing. She watched it turn into a red speck and then a deafening thud that echoed in the entire building as it slammed into the marble lobby floor. Her foot hovered in the air as she deliberated on what to do. She gave Isabelle an embarrassed smile, hoping to garner some forgiveness and sympathy. Isabelle returned a smug smile and went into Rosaline’s office.

Isabelle already knew she had broken her vow thanks to Evaline’s speech, but luckily Rosaline, the Head of Accounting, was asleep in her chair with her legs propped up on the desk. “I guess she forgot about the meeting…” Isabelle muttered to herself.

Rosaline was laying back in her chair with her black leather boots that went up halfway to her knee strewn haphazardly on the other side of her desk. She had come from Japan a half decade ago and soared up the ranks of the company. Supposedly, her looks were part of it. Jet black hair in a ponytail, with her blouse perpetually done down a button.

Her feet in ivory white stockings were hanging over the edge of the table. Isabelle slowly walked up to the desk. She looked over the other side and saw the suspenders of Rosaline’s garter belt. She slowly panned up and saw a glimpse of her red panties peeking from under her black pencil skirt, then diverted her eyes as fast as lightning.

“I should just wait…” Isabelle picked up Rosaline’s boots with a 8cm heel and neatly placed them just beyond the modesty panel of the desk. She sat down, though Rosaline’s feet were right in front of her. Nervously waiting for her boss to wake up, she searched for anything to distract herself until they did.

Isabelle inspected Rosaline’s soles. They were smooth with a high arch. The pinkness of her sole shined through the white stockings. Rosaline’s feet were probably around her own size, she thought. About the same length, but perhaps a bit thinner. A soft scent of a perfume she wasn’t quite familiar with wafted in the air. Rosaline was slowly stirring in her sleep, with her feet moving along to an almost rhythmic beat.

‘It looks a bit like hypnosis,’ Isabelle kidded to herself. She looked around the room, though her eyes kept falling back on Rosaline’s soles. She reminisced how good Lisa’s massages felt and how they made her feel almost lighter. She had never done it to someone else though. Perhaps she’d give this favour to her boss. Even with all her quirks like falling asleep before a meeting, Isabelle still looked up to Rosaline.

Slowly, she reached out and grabbed Rosaline’s soft feet in her hands. They wiggled around in her hand, but soon calmed down. Isabelle focused on the slightly bigger left foot first. She started just below her toes, and pressed down with her palms onto the balls of her feet. Isabelle slowly started to move down towards the heel.

She still felt no reaction from Rosaline after the initial squirming. She moved back up towards the ball, pressing down harder and harder as she went. She moved onto the other foot. Repeat, repeat, repeat. She had gone up and down on her feet twice. Lisa would go for far, far longer, though Isabelle wasn’t sure what else to do besides what she had done already.

Then, she remembered what Lisa did to finish it off every time. Give a little kiss to each big toe. At the mere thought of it, Isabelle felt her face getting hot. Lisa said it was tradition from where she was, but it still felt like such a foreign, exotic, perhaps erotic, idea.

Yet, she felt a slight obligation. She leant in closer, feeling a radiating heat emanating from it, despite being shoeless for what could have been hours. As her red-coloured lips encroached on Rosaline’s big toe, the other foot violently kicked her away, sending Isabelle and her office chair away.

Isabelle rubbed her sore nose as Rosaline hoisted herself onto the table and let her legs dangle over the side. “I thought you were asleep,” Isabelle hastily tried to defend herself with. “Oh, the moment you started massaging my feet I was awake.”

“Wait, really?” Isabelle exclaimed. She realised what happened; she had gotten tunnel vision towards Rosaline’s feet. She hadn’t even noticed her waking up. “Yeah. It felt pretty good, could be better.”

“O-ok. Well, can we just move onto what our meeting was about?”

“Oh, right. It’s already fixed. That’s why I was sleeping,” Rosaline laughed and Isabelle awkwardly followed suit. Rosaline adjusted her watch and said, “though, we still have a few more minutes. So then, Isabelle, why were you about to kiss my feet?”

Isabelle fell silent. Her head drooped and she began staring at her own fiddling hands. Would Rosaline believe the reality? Or would she take nothing as an answer besides that she liked them? Better to stay honest, she thought. “Well one of my friends gives me foot massages and she always does that.”

“Really?” Rosaline questioned. Isabelle gave a simple nod. “I don’t believe you. Why would you be so nervous if it’s just a friendly gesture?” Rosaline hooked her left foot through the armrest and dragged Isabelle over to her. Isabelle felt her heart race ten times as fast. Rosaline, sitting on the table, towered over Isabelle.

Rosaline held out her right foot and said, “kiss it.” Isabelle looked at the big toe, black nail polish shining through the white stockings, then up at Rosaline’s expectant face. There was no choice for her. Her boss was giving a demand. She picked up Rosaline’s foot and meandered towards it, lips first.

Nervously, she delivered a small peck to it, leaving a faint red mark. Isabelle drew away, yet before her heart could settle, Rosaline forced open her mouth and shoved her foot into Isabelle’s mouth. In only a moment, Isabelle pushed herself away, though leaving small strings of saliva on Rosaline’s foot.

Rosaline looked at her disappointedly. Isabelle’s watch beeped repeatedly and signalled the end of the hour and the meeting. Without another word from either, she stood and ran out the door and to her desk.

She sat down with such force her chair spun multiple times. Her shoe flung off her foot and hit the back of her desk. Lisa looked with shock, only able to ponder what happened. With just one look, Lisa was well aware it wasn’t anything she expected. Isabelle was out of breath and gasping heavily. She could hardly process what happened; her mind was frozen.

Her heart was pounding like explosions in her chest. A salty taste on her tongue lingered from Rosaline’s feet. Her own feet were moving around in discoherent circles hyperactively. She just couldn’t stay still. It was embarrassment mixed with shame yet an odd drop of wanting more.

Lisa suddenly grabbed Isabelle’s jittery hands. She got Isabelle up on her feet, and began to lead her to the breakroom. Isabelle was like a small child being dragged along by their mother. Lisa took her to the bench and laid her down. She then got a glass of water, which Isabelle gulped down. Not wanting to abandon her friend, Lisa sat down. Isabelle’s head was rolling side to side; the hard metal bench was uncomfortable.

Lisa picked Isabelle’s head up, scooched over and laid her head in her lap. She still wasn’t sure what the ruckus was about, but Isabelle’s breaths had slowed to normal. After a few minutes, Isabelle fell asleep on Lisa’s lap.

Rosaline popped into Isabelle and Lisa’s office to talk about a new client. After having lounged for a few minutes longer, she had slipped her boots on and walked straight over. Noticing neither of them present, she wondered if she had gone a bit too far with Isabelle. After all, she was the newest one there, just barely over a year. It was too late in the day for them to be having an ordinary break.

Leaving a message with the info on the client and ‘sorry!’ on it, she left for her office. As she went out the door, she spotted Ms. Lincoln walking around with one shoe on. She kept her bare heel off the ground, as if she was still wearing it. In her hand was a stiletto without the stiletto heel. “So Eva, I guess you’ve finally accommodated walking around without a shoe?”

“Rose, it’s only because of one of your subordinates that my shoe got destroyed. Right outside your office too.” Rosaline chuckled and asked, “was it the one that never has her shoes on?”

“Of course it was.” Rosaline looked down just in time to see Evaline raise her left foot out of its shoe and let the cool breeze in. Both her feet looked sore and aching, with redness on her ankles. Rosaline grabbed Evaline’s leg and pulled her shoe off. “Hey, what are you doing!” Evaline cried.

“Those shoes look like they really hurt. Besides, it's not like you’ll ever wear these again.” Rosaline explained while walking away, dangling Evaline’s shoe from her finger. Evaline felt a strange shame mixed with the relief. If she was seen by anyone who she had scolded for having no shoes on, she’d become the laughing stock of the company.

After a few moments, she revelled in the new found freedom her feet had. She’d had to put a plaster on her ankles more times than she could bother to remember. Perhaps walking around like this would help her in the end.

Isabelle woke up in the breakroom, not knowing how she got there. The memory of kissing Rosaline’s feet resounded back into her mind, or was it an odd dream? How long was she out cold? Where were her shoes? Glancing at her watch, there was still half an hour left before it was time to go.

Deciding to get a cup of tea and reset her mind, she opened the cabinet and a blue navy pump fell out and hit the counter. ‘How’d that get in there?’ She wondered. Slipping it onto her left foot, she boiled the water and went back to her desk, letting it steep along the way.

She sat at her desk and read a neat handwritten note. It was Ms. Tsushima’s handwriting. Just some knowledge on a new client with a “sorry!” at the end. Her face felt hot as she realised what she remembered was real, and not some oddity her brain made up. Why else would Rosaline be apologising?

She knew the best course of action was to push on for the last half hour of work and try to ignore the recurrent memory. She slipped on her other shoe under the table and kept her feet still for the rest of the day. She tried to focus on the spreadsheets on her screen, yet waves of memory slammed on the beaches of her mind.

The half hour went by in a flash, yet Isabelle had hardly touched her keyboard or mouse. Lisa disappeared from her chair and people were heading out the lobby doors. Isabelle finally packed up her kit and left. Getting in her car, she knew that she’d never look at her boss the same. But, there was a little part of her that grew to like it.

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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by Collegetownstudios »

I like this story. I will be coming back to leave a more thorough review.
Mr. Mike
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by Mr. Mike »

It’s a good story. No need for a dissertation. Are you Siskel or Ebert?
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by Collegetownstudios »

Mr. Mike wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:00 pm Why?
It’s a good story. No need for a dissertation. Are you Siskel or Ebert?
If the user took so much time to craft this story, the least I can do is read it fully, digest it, and tell them what I thought of it.
Mr. Mike
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by Mr. Mike »

I don’t know, it’s there for your enjoyment…maybe he doesn’t want it “reviewed or critiqued”. I know Nyllover defended you early but your question on the other thread was a little creepy. You’ve had some other head scratchers also. I’m still not 100% convinced you’re also not “BusyB”. You defended and liked him a bit too much.
Just my thoughts

Collegetownstudios wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:11 pm
Mr. Mike wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:00 pm Why?
It’s a good story. No need for a dissertation. Are you Siskel or Ebert?
If the user took so much time to craft this story, the least I can do is read it fully, digest it, and tell them what I thought of it.
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by HeroOfKvatch »

I’m appreciative of any feedback, though I’m sceptical of anything scathing or overly positive.

In my regular works, I know they are not infallible and request critique from beta readers. Of course, can’t do that with these. Any improvement I can make in these stories must come from here.
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by llama »

Mr. Mike wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:18 pm I don’t know, it’s there for your enjoyment…maybe he doesn’t want it “reviewed or critiqued”. I know Nyllover defended you early but your question on the other thread was a little creepy. You’ve had some other head scratchers also. I’m still not 100% convinced you’re also not “BusyB”. You defended and liked him a bit too much.
Just my thoughts

Collegetownstudios wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:11 pm
Mr. Mike wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:00 pm Why?
It’s a good story. No need for a dissertation. Are you Siskel or Ebert?
If the user took so much time to craft this story, the least I can do is read it fully, digest it, and tell them what I thought of it.
It sees solebug feels the need to add his two cents on every thread, like its not an official post until he comments on it and is very contratrian. I too think he has multiple accouts
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by Hamilton »

A very enjoyable story.
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by Collegetownstudios »

HeroOfKvatch wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:49 pm I’m appreciative of any feedback, though I’m sceptical of anything scathing or overly positive.

In my regular works, I know they are not infallible and request critique from beta readers. Of course, can’t do that with these. Any improvement I can make in these stories must come from here.
Actually, I very much loved this story. You write better than me, you keep the descriptions to a minimum while not leaving much out, so the reader is fulfilled about the characters.

I'd actually like to make some illustrations for this story, if I may.

Mr. Mike wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:18 pm I know Nyllover defended you early but your question on the other thread was a little creepy.
I understand your feeling on the matter. But, could just be my inexperience. Most of you are old enough to have children, and I don't know the bond yet between parent and child. Maybe my thoughts will change. Only time will tell.
Mr. Mike wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:18 pmYou’ve had some other head scratchers also. I’m still not 100% convinced you’re also not “BusyB”. You defended and liked him a bit too much.
I'm not sure which posts were head scratchers, but a simple IP verification from the Admin will show that I'm not BusyB. He and I don't even like to film the same things. But his work was okay, from what he showed me.
llama wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:53 pmIt sees solebug feels the need to add his two cents on every thread, like its not an official post until he comments on it and is very contratrian. I too think he has multiple accouts
I feel like, I must have offended you in the distant past and left a sour memory, before our recent discussion. Did I do something to offend you? Because feelings like yours don't just come out of nowhere.
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by HeroOfKvatch »

Collegetownstudios wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:36 pm Actually, I very much loved this story. You write better than me, you keep the descriptions to a minimum while not leaving much out, so the reader is fulfilled about the characters.

I'd actually like to make some illustrations for this story, if I may.
You may. I have no reason to not accept creative works based on my writing. Though, I have never seen a drawing by you.
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by Collegetownstudios »

HeroOfKvatch wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:27 pm
Collegetownstudios wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:36 pm Actually, I very much loved this story. You write better than me, you keep the descriptions to a minimum while not leaving much out, so the reader is fulfilled about the characters.

I'd actually like to make some illustrations for this story, if I may.
You may. I have no reason to not accept creative works based on my writing. Though, I have never seen a drawing by you.
No problem. Here is a thread of my examples.


I haven't had much time to do much art since I'm working on my main foot project. But those are examples.
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Re: A Meeting to Remember

Post by DervDimension »

Love this story. The shoe stealing scene was very well written. Definitely checking out your other stories.
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